Spring has sprung!

It’s official—spring is here and everything’s blooming in Cleveland (Figures 1 and 2).  The sun is out, which puts a spring in our step.  You know what else puts a spring in my step?  Good news from the Crawford lab! First thing’s first:  kudos to current Crawford crew member Brittany Hollister for surviving her latest […]

Time to Give Thanks for Good News

It’s the middle of the fall semester, so it’s time for some good news updates from the Crawford Crew! Both former Crawford Crew members Drs. Nicole Restrepo and Logan Dumitrescu recently received an NSF travel award to present work from the Crawford lab at the 2016 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Also receiving a travel award […]

It’s aloha time in the Crawford lab!

The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing is a unique mid-sized conference focused on computational methods with applications to the biomedical sciences.  Hosted in Hawaii (Figures 1 and 2), PSB has been around since 1996, and many attendees have been to every single meeting.  I had not heard of PSB until I met Dr. Marylyn Ritchie and […]

How we spent the summer in the Crawford lab

Summer is almost over—where has the time gone? What have we done? Well, the Crawford lab was abuzz with activity starting with the PhD commencement ceremony in May (Figure 1). Congrats to Nicole Restrepo, our newly minted PhD in human genetics! In June, both Nicole Restrepo and Haines lab post-doctoral fellow Jessica Cooke Bailey gave […]