We explored premature stop-gain variants to test the hypothesis that variants, which are likely to have a consequence on protein structure and function, will reveal important insights with respect to the phenotypes associated with them. We performed a phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) exploring the association between a selected list of functional stop-gain genetic variants (variation […]
Pathway analysis by randomization incorporating structure-PARIS: an update.
We present an update to the pathway enrichment analysis tool ‘Pathway Analysis by Randomization Incorporating Structure (PARIS)’ that determines aggregated association signals generated from genome-wide association study results. Pathway-based analyses highlight biological pathways associated with phenotypes. PARIS uses a unique permutation strategy to evaluate the genomic structure of interrogated pathways, through permutation testing of genomic […]
Understanding the Function of Human Genome Variation, 2016 Keystone Symposia in Uppsala, Sweden
As a “mid-career” scientist (oh, I can’t believe I just wrote that), I find myself looking towards the next logical milestones on the path to promotion. One such milestone is an invitation to speak at a prestigious national or international meeting. I have given talks before at major conferences, but most were a result of […]
Genetic variation among 82 pharmacogenes: The PGRNseq data from the eMERGE network.
Genetic variation can affect drug response in multiple ways, although it remains unclear how rare genetic variants affect drug response. The electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network, collaborating with the Pharmacogenomics Research Network, began eMERGE-PGx, a targeted sequencing study to assess genetic variation in 82 pharmacogenes critical for implementation of “precision medicine.” The February […]
International Congress of Human Genetics (ICHG) 2016 in Kyoto, Japan
In a typical calendar year, my conference season tends to be concentrated to the fall semester, culminating with the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing in the first week of January just before or as the spring semester begins. Travel outside this schedule is generally limited to special meetings such as NIH study section, consortium meetings, etc. […]
It’s the End of the Semester (Spring 2016)!
It’s the end of another semester, and in this case, another academic year. This past semester, I taught EPBI 444 Communicating in Population Health Science Research and co-organized EPBI 502 Seminar in Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics. I don’t mind teaching all by myself, but it’s certainly more fun with friends! This past semester, I was […]
Population Stratification in the Context of Diverse Epidemiologic Surveys Sans Genome-Wide Data.
Population stratification or confounding by genetic ancestry is a potential cause of false associations in genetic association studies. Estimation of and adjustment for genetic ancestry has become common practice thanks in part to the availability of ancestry informative markers on genome-wide association study (GWAS) arrays. While array data is now widespread, these data are not […]
Population Stratification in the Context of Diverse Epidemiologic Surveys Sans Genome-Wide Data.
Population stratification or confounding by genetic ancestry is a potential cause of false associations in genetic association studies. Estimation of and adjustment for genetic ancestry has become common practice thanks in part to the availability of ancestry informative markers on genome-wide association study (GWAS) arrays. While array data is now widespread, these data are not […]
Population Stratification in the Context of Diverse Epidemiologic Surveys Sans Genome-Wide Data.
Population stratification or confounding by genetic ancestry is a potential cause of false associations in genetic association studies. Estimation of and adjustment for genetic ancestry has become common practice thanks in part to the availability of ancestry informative markers on genome-wide association study (GWAS) arrays. While array data is now widespread, these data are not […]
Population Stratification in the Context of Diverse Epidemiologic Surveys Sans Genome-Wide Data.
Population stratification or confounding by genetic ancestry is a potential cause of false associations in genetic association studies. Estimation of and adjustment for genetic ancestry has become common practice thanks in part to the availability of ancestry informative markers on genome-wide association study (GWAS) arrays. While array data is now widespread, these data are not […]
Population Stratification in the Context of Diverse Epidemiologic Surveys Sans Genome-Wide Data.
Population stratification or confounding by genetic ancestry is a potential cause of false associations in genetic association studies. Estimation of and adjustment for genetic ancestry has become common practice thanks in part to the availability of ancestry informative markers on genome-wide association study (GWAS) arrays. While array data is now widespread, these data are not […]
Is Isolated Low High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol a Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor? New Insights From the Framingham Offspring Study.
Although the inverse association between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been long established, it remains unclear whether low HDL-C remains a CVD risk factor when levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) are not elevated. This is a timely issue because recent studies have questioned whether HDL-C […]