CWRU Cyberinfrastructure Day

Dr. Hadrian Djohari, High Performance Computing Manager at Case Western Reserve University organized the first annual CWRU Cyberinfrastructure Day, held on March 27, 2015.  Dr. Will Bush spoke on the use of large scale computing for biomedical research.  Slides from this presentation are at the left.

Bush Lab Talk at IGES 2014

Jake Hall of the Bush Lab presented “Mixed-model Analysis of Common Variation Reveals Pathways Explaining Variance in AMD Risk” at the International Genetic Epidemiology Society 2014 annual meeting in Vienna, Austria.  Slides from this presentation are available to the left.   

Tutorial on Genome-wide Association Studies

Dr. Indira Ghosh of the Center for Computational Biology and Bioformatics at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an Indo-US bilateral Conference on Big Data Analysis and Translation in Disease Biology.  At this conference, Dr. Will Bush presented a tutorial on genome-wide association studies on January 21st, 2015.  Slides from this presentation are at the left.

Tutorial on Gene Environment Interactions

At the 2015 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Dr. Will Bush gave a tutorial on gene-environment interactions in a session titled “Characterizing the Importance of Environmental Exposures, Interactions between the Environment and Genetic Architecture, and Genetic Interactions: New Methods for Understanding the Etiology of Complex Traits and Disease”.  Slides can be downloaded to the left.

Tutorial on Genome-wide Association Studies

Dr. Indira Ghosh of the Center for Computational Biology and Bioformatics at Jawaharlal Nehru University organized an Indo-US bilateral Conference on Big Data Analysis and Translation in Disease Biology.  At this conference, Dr. Will Bush presented a tutorial on genome-wide association studies on January 21st, 2015.  Slides from this presentation are below. GWAS Tutorial Bush

Genetic and clinical risk prediction model for postoperative atrial fibrillation.

Postoperative atrial fibrillation (PoAF) is common after coronary artery bypass grafting. We previously showed that atrial fibrillation susceptibility single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at the chromosome 4q25 locus are associated with PoAF. Here, we tested the hypothesis that a combined clinical and genetic model incorporating atrial fibrillation risk SNPs would be superior to a clinical-only model.We […]

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Infant and Childhood Primary Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnosed in the United States in 2007-2011.

The CBTRUS Statistical Report: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Infant and Childhood Primary Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors Diagnosed in the United States in 2007–2011 comprehensively describes the current population-based incidence of primary malignant and non-malignant brain and CNS tumors in children ages 0–14 years, collected and reported by central cancer registries covering approximately 99.8% […]

Knowledge-constrained K-medoids Clustering of Regulatory Rare Alleles for Burden Tests.

Rarely occurring genetic variants are hypothesized to influence human diseases, but statistically associating these rare variants to disease is challenging due to a lack of statistical power in most feasibly sized datasets. Several statistical tests have been developed to either collapse multiple rare variants from a genomic region into a single variable (presence/absence) or to […]

SecureMA: protecting participant privacy in genetic association meta-analysis.

Sharing genomic data is crucial to support scientific investigation such as genome-wide association studies. However, recent investigations suggest the privacy of the individual participants in these studies can be compromised, leading to serious concerns and consequences, such as overly restricted access to data.We introduce a novel cryptographic strategy to securely perform meta-analysis for genetic association […]

Association of cancer susceptibility variants with risk of multiple primary cancers: The population architecture using genomics and epidemiology study.

Multiple primary cancers account for approximately 16% of all incident cancers in the United States. Although genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified many common genetic variants associated with various cancer sites, no study has examined the association of these genetic variants with risk of multiple primary cancers (MPC).As part of the National Human Genome Research […]

Cross-cancer pleiotropic analysis of endometrial cancer: PAGE and E2C2 consortia.

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified a large number of cancer-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), several of which have been associated with multiple cancer sites suggesting pleiotropic effects and shared biological mechanisms across some cancers. We hypothesized that SNPs associated with other cancers may be additionally associated with endometrial cancer. We examined 213 SNPs previously […]