Fall is upon us, which means it’s time to schedule your annual flu shot. Why should you get a flu shot? Well, for one, the flu is horrible and leads to, at the very least, a loss of productivity at work or class. At the most, the flu can require hospitalization and, in more cases […]
A New Call for Manuscripts! Celebrating the Breadth of Diversity in Human Genomics
Dr. Lucia Hindorff of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and I are excited to announce a new call for manuscripts that highlight diversity in genetics and genomics. This call for manuscripts known as “Celebrating the Breadth of Diversity in Human Genomics” is organized as a special Research Topic with the journal Frontiers in […]
2019 ABRCMS Scientific Session
Genomic Research Enabled by Electronic Health Records Dana C. Crawford, PhD Case Western Reserve University
Scott Williams, PhD, comments on predictive modeling
Scott Williams, PhD, recently commented to Cleveland.com on various COVID-19 prediction models, and why models can vary. Some of the variation involves the availability of timely data and confidence in the data, given how quickly things are changing. Read the full story here.
Mark Cameron, PhD, interviewed about COVID-19
Mark Cameron, PhD, was recently interviewed by Cleveland’s ABC affiliate, News 5, about COVID19, based on his experience with research colleagues in Toronto’s 2003 SARS outbreak. Watch the story here.
Dana Crawford, PhD, featured in ASHG News
Practice, practice, practice! Dana Crawford, PhD, comments to ASHG News on being an effective research communicator. Read more here.
2019 AMIA Informatics Summit in San Francisco, CA
Every year, March comes in like a lion. For CLE, that could translate into a spring blizzard or early bulbs. It’s anyone’s guess. One thing’s for sure, though–AMIA’s Informatics Summit has a say before March leaves us like a lamb. Like clockwork, the 2019 AMIA Informatics Summit, formerly the Joints Summits on Translational Science, was […]
American Society of Nephrology (ASN) 2018 in San Diego, CA
Moving institutions can be stressful, but it also has its rewards. One real reward is the potential for new and meaningful collaborations. In moving to Case Western Reserve University, I have had the fortune of meeting Drs. John Sedor and John O’Toole. I met the two soon after I joined the faculty of the new […]
2019 SACNAS Graduate Student Oral Presentation Awards
The Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Institute for Computational Biology sponsored awards for graduate student oral presentations at the 2019 SACNAS The National Diversity in STEM Conference in Honolulu, Hawai’i. This year, three students qualified for our discipline: Melissa Roberts University of California, Berkeley A Genetic Strategy to Identify Lipid Droplet Protein Degradation Pathways Stephanie […]
2019 SACNAS Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award (Carleson)
Nicholas Carleson Oregon State University Corvallis, OR Gene Duplication, Pathogenicity, and Genome Plasticity of Phytophthora ramorum Nicholas Carleson*1; Brian Knaus1; Meredith Larsen2; Caroline Press2 and Niklaus Grünwald2, (1)Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, (2)Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Clonally reproducing plant pathogens, that do […]
2019 SACNAS Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award (Silva-Del Toro)
Stephanie L. Silva-Del Toro University of Iowa Iowa City, IA Mechanisms of H. Pylori-Induced Neutrophil Nuclear Hypersegmentation Stephanie L. Silva-Del Toro*, University of Iowa and Lee-Ann Allen, University of Iowa Inflammation Program Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen that resides in the gastric mucosa, eliciting a neutrophil (PMN) dominant inflammatory response that can progress […]