The city of Cleveland is booming! Listed as one of the New York Times 52 places to go in 2015 and National Geographic's Places You Need to Visit in 2018, Cleveland has a vibrant restaurant and bar scene, with lots of festivals, sporting events, and museums. In fact, Travel+Leisure magazine ranked Cleveland #7 in their 10 Best Foodie Cities in the U.S. for 2023! The members of the Cleveland Institute for Computational Biology frequently enjoy these comforts of Cleveland, and we are happy to share our experiences here with you. Thoughts and opinions are of their respective post authors and do not reflect those of any institution or official agency.

Mod Meals
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Mod Meals Where: Your house! It’s six o’clock, and there’s nothing edible save for the can of cat food in your refrigerator. Sound familiar? If no, either you don’t have cats or you are annoyingly organized. Or both! For the rest of us mere mortals, scheduling time to prepare […]

Away Team Rocks!
The Away Team continues its winning ways (3-1)! They play Monday nights at the Forest Hills Park softball fields. Go Away! Go Away!

ICB Softball Team Continues Its Historic Year!
After a double-header rain out (shades of last year, where it seemed to rain every Monday!), the Away team suffered its first loss of the season. Recovering quickly, however, they won their second game (16-3) and now stand 2-1 for the season. Yea away!!

Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Lolita Where: 900 Literary Rd, Cleveland, OH 44113 Finishing your PhD is a big deal, so let’s treat it as the accomplishment that it is! As you might have guessed, my recognition of a student’s accomplishments always involves food. Good and plentiful! Schedule permitting, I invite my student and […]

Bin 216
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Bin 216 Where: 1515 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115 Going to a show at Playhouse Square and looking for a classy place to drink and nosh before or after the show? Bin 216 has some small plates and hand-crafted cocktails just for you! We stumbled onto Bin 216 literally […]

Larchmere Tavern
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Larchmere Tavern Where: 13051 Larchmere Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44120 As I probably have mentioned in previous posts, my husband Steve loves a place that’s close by where you can pop in at will to have a decent meal. No excruciating or awkward long waits by the hostess stand. No […]

Vero Pizza Napoletana
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Vero Pizza Napoletana Where: 12421 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 So there I was, enjoying another EPBI happy hour organized by the one and only EPBI social director Dr. Farren Briggs. In attendance were our fearless leader Dr. Jonathan Haines and his better half Joyce as well as […]

ICB Sponsored softball team Undefeated!
Yes, the ICB sponsors a Cleveland Heights Rec League softball team! After an inaugural season of figuring out what to do with a bat, ball and bases, the Away Team’s (GO AWAY!, Go AWAY!) second season is off to an excellent start (a win, 11-7). Join the team Monday nights at Forest Hills park!

Pacific East
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Pacific East Where: 28601 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 850, Woodmere, OH 44122 I have to admit this place has a special place in my heart. I first discovered Pacific East when I started at CWRU but had not yet moved here to Cleveland. I was staying at a hotel out […]

Cleveland’s Little Italy Feast of Assumption
Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Little Italy’s Feast of Assumption Where: 12021 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, OH 44106 New York, for sure. Philadelphia, yes I learned this first-hand from traveling. But, Cleveland? I really had no idea…. I really had no idea that Cleveland has a sizeable Italian-American population. I have never equated Cleveland with […]

Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: MIX at CMA Where: 11150 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44106 Many of us in the Institute for Computational Biology have primary appointments in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The Department is large and diverse, and lucky for us, pretty friendly. Case in point are the regular happy hours organized by junior […]

Who: Dana C. Crawford, PhD What: Noodlecat Where: 234 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114 What’s better than having ramen on Saturday? Having ramen on Sunday, too! Post-doctoral fellow Dr. Jessica Cooke Bailey and her husband Matt have been raving about Noodlecat ever since we moved here. Every few weeks, we would vow to get together […]